The Musings
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From self help to divination and back
From a casual observation I noticed that the astrological services that are offered online are predominantly, whether it’s Vedic or western, in the field of astrology that can…
4 min read
Intuition vs. analysis
There’s something to be said about the process of divination itself. Divination can be done also using astrology, as well as other different means, but here my latest…
4 min read
Ram or Goat?
Going back to the tarot theme, there’s an issue that has been bothering me a little lately and this is the inclusion of astrology bits in the tarot…
4 min read
Testing the Mars retrograde II
Following on the last post, in which I suggested to test the nature of the Mars retrograde, we are here already a week and a half into this…
4 min read
Testing the Mars retrograde
Even though the current Mars retrograde, that started yesterday, is one of several retrogrades that are happening right now, it’s a bit more significant only because it happens…
4 min read
New moon in Sagittarius – the meaning of life?
There’s new moon in Sagittarius today, and everybody is excited, as is appropriate for this fiery mutable sign. Having a significant Sagittarius placement myself, I can also tell…
4 min read