New Moon blues

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Just as the Moon readies to come with the Sun in a conjunction and create the New Moon in Leo, it forms an opposition with Pluto in Aquarius, and stirs up all kinds of emotions and memories, not quite typical of Leo the playful child (among other things). Regardless, what role does the moon play in our daily life, given its speedy movement across the zodiac? it’s the second luminary, and therefore quite prominent and cannot be ignored, especially by those who were born during the night.

In the last several years I have a habit of following the Moon on the daily basis, according to the sign it’s in and the aspects it’s making. Just a little glance, not more (in addition to remembering the lunation cycle). It gives me a clue to the daily mood I can expect, in a general sense, for everybody, as well as for individuals according to how the sign the moon is in that day is placed in that individual’s chart.

Today, for example, since it entered Leo, there’s been a kind of busyness with everybody’s creative hobby projects, a little more than usual. and a positive mood about that to boot. this is notwithstanding the occasional and somewhat bothersome thoughts and feelings on a personal level about some unresolved issues from the past that still might have some bearing on the present, which can be attributed to the opposition of Pluto to the otherwise fun moon.

THe exact new moon is still a little less that 24 hours away, so I’m sure the general mood has still some place to go up, especially when the aspect the Sun-Moon conjunction in Leo is making is a positive sextile to Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. There should be a positive flow of energy and optimism on this new moon, to boot up a great new lunation cycle. A good opportunity to start something with the sight on the next 6 months, till the next full moon in Leo in the winter – maybe some kind of a new creative project for several months? 🤔… Or maybe just letting the things flow and see what comes up.

So it’s not exactly a new moon blues, more like a pre-new-moon contemplation.