3D printing and Capricorn

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Trying to understand the popularity of home 3D printing of the last decade and a half, I checked when was the pivotal moment in the introduction of 3d printing to the masses, and its eventual adoption by them. It turns out, that the indroduction of the first home 3D printer happened in 2009, just about when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 (and also when Jupiter transited Aquarius, to a somewhat lesser significance, but still). It was the first 3D printer by MakerBot, and it made possible for a regular home user and hobbyist to partake in actual manufacturing, albeit relatively simple and on a hobbyist level.

It also just happens that the patents behind 3D printing, also called FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) expired in the same year of 2009, what made the popularization and the wide spread of this technology possible, because many smaller companies could enter the market, or create the market for the home users.

The fact that it coincided with the zeitgeist shift of the ingress of Pluto into Capricorn for the following 16 years makes perfect sense – Pluto brings up to the surface and turn into a mass cultural phenomenon issues that are under the domain of the sign it’s transiting. 3D printing is about turning ideas (designs) into actual tangible physical objects, and Capricorn, being a cardinal earth sign, is all about bringing ideas into actualization in the physical material realm, the realm of the element of earth. Capricorn is a builder in the tangible world, and what a better manifestation of its meaning then a machine that everyone can use at home that builds something from, well, not nothing, but from an abstract idea (design in a computer program).

It’s definitely going to continue after Pluto has left Capricorn, as all phenomena that occurs during a particular transit continue to live after the transit is over, because the transit period is only the time of it’s birthing and coming into the world. But I doubt if we’ll see any major breakthroughs or innovations in this particular area, it probably will be more like a life by inertia. If it will be changed in some way it will be from innovations that happen in other and different areas of life, and in a different way.