Just as everybody was talking about how exciting the full moon in Aquarius should be, given its exact square to Uranus (in Taurus), I got corona for the first time ever. It manifested exactly on this full moon. I never had it during all the crazy years when everybody was so afraid of it and everyone was constantly talking about it. Now, when it turned into another type of flue of sorts, I finally got it.
Could it be considered an Uranian surprise? I sure wasn’t expecting it, and this transiting Uranus that was exactly squared by the moon and the sun actually transits my 8th house of mortality alright, as if corona is still a mortal danger to one’s health… In which case yes, this could be fitting.
I’m already over it after less than a week, and after the “shock” of contracting corona out of nowhere I can now check and see that on the same day of August 19th there was another T-square – Jupiter in Gemini squared exactly both Saturn in Pisces and Venus in Virgo. this is a nice compliment to the full moon T-square in terms of my corona – opposing Saturn and Venus transiting my 6th and 12th houses respectively, so it being activated on this day seems very fitting as well, given the health setback (Saturn in 6th) that required an isolation in peace (Venus in 12th).
So it all actually falls nicely into place – the full moon activates Uranus with its nice surprise from the house of mortality, which reverberates the Saturn-Venus opposition in the houses of health and isolation.
And here’s for the illustration – you can see clearly the 2 T-squares at this crucial day, very exciting 😉: