There’s new moon in Sagittarius today, and everybody is excited, as is appropriate for this fiery mutable sign. Having a significant Sagittarius placement myself, I can also tell that this should be a good point to start a new cycle, either a 4 weeks cycle till the next new moon, or a 6 months cycle till a full moon in Sagittarius in June 2025 (or a half cycle).
Starting something new, planting a seed, in the realm of the Sag, should probably have some philosophical overtones that touch upon the quest for the meaning of life itself, no less. It’s probably something that with most people will be an unconscious motive, that will manifest in different and more mundane ways, because the quest for the meaning of life is kind of a too big of a goal by itself, when stated as such in this way.
The well known way in which this quest is manifested in people with significant Sag placements and transits are the field of the higher education and studies of different kinds that are beyond the basic accumulation of knowledge per se, that is ruled by the opposing sign of Gemini. In the Sag studies there has to be an added value in the form of some sort of relation to a framework that gives meaning to the raw information by framing it in a legal, philosophical, religious or spiritual theory.
The well known second way in which this quest for the meaning of life is manifested often is by travel, particularly to far away places, mentally and culturally, if not necessarily physically (given the global nature of the world today and the fact that almost everywhere is accessible in just a not too long a flight). This attraction and fascination with the foreign, that is characteristic of the Sag influence, is part of this quest to get to know the world and that which governs it, in this case the human social world. Getting to know first hand and understand the principles that govern other people’s lives is contributive to building a philosophical framework that will give meaning and explanation to the human condition, one step closer to the meaning of life. Same goes for other fields of higher study, not necessarily specifically socially related, like physics, biology, etc – as long as one goes away from it with a better understanding of life, in general.
Because we’re dealing here with a fire sign, it doesn’t have a tangible, mundane practical end in sight, as do the earth signs. It’s about spirit – the spirit of discovery, meaning and understanding, on which the following earth sign of Capricorn takes upon itself to build the tangible institutions and laws that govern society, based on the theoretical frameworks achieved under Sagittarius. That’s in the grand scheme of the zodiacal order and the sequential symbolic development, from Aries at the beginning till Pisces at the end.
In short – if you’re pondering about what kind of seed to plant this new moon, I’d say go for something that picks at your brain existentially – start a study of something new that broadens your horizons, or plan an exotic trip that should do the same. Just in case.