Up in the air

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Watching the recent opening ceremony of the 2024 olympics in Paris, I was very impressed, and couldn’t not to notice one conspicuous evidence of the new sign of the times. Besides it being innovative and different, it had an obvious symbolic manifestation of the newly started 22 years era of Pluto in Aquarius – the Olympic flame couldron.

As I mentioned, besides it being innovative and different, tell-tale signs of Aquarius, it was raised by a huge helium balloon to the air above the city and stayed there. Aquarius, being a fixed air sing, signifies everything that is relatively “fixed” in the air, or in the sky, like planes, satellites, airships as well as indeed huge helium balloons that carry stuff.

It’s fixicity in the air above the city is kind of Aquarian in my mind, for being stationary in the air, unlike the other 2 air signs, Libra and Gemini, that are cardinal and mutable by nature accordingly. Those two, if they would be symbolically associated with something to do with the air itself, it probably would be more dynamic, changeable and swift.

As if to drive the point home that air balloon is an Aquarian manifestation, we can check and see that the first air balloon flight in history took place during the previous transit of Pluto in Aquarius! This happened also in France, in Annonay in 1783 (Pluto entered Aquarius then in 1778). They used a technique of burning straw, and first lifted some animals and only afterwards people.

Air flight itself was invented during the transit of Pluto in Gemini, and symbolized best by the first flight by the Wright brothers in 1903 (Them being two brothers is another striking symbol of the Gemini era at that time, as brothers and siblings in general are signified by Gemini). So one might say that there’s a kind of cross-over or overlap in signification and rulership, so planes and air flight can be symbolically associated with both Aquarius and Gemini, while the difference is probably in the exact nature of that air flight.

And by the way, the title here is “Up in the air” which also means undecided – one of the more notorious traits of the third air sign, Libra, which is known to be one of the more indecisive signs, if not the most. So this fits well with the air theme of this piece, then 😉.